Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Part 2: How To Repaint a Fashion Royalty Male

In this section I will show you mostly tips and tricks of a repaint.
It will focus mainly on facial features excluding the inner eyes and touch-ups, which will be in Part 4.
The eyes are probably the most difficult to get correct. They are the "soul" of the doll and can make him/her either come alive or look like a deranged psychopath escapee high on sugar cookies;

I am not the best at repaints, there are many much better than I. 
Then again who  is  the "best" at anything?
This is merely an easier and less expensive alternative to buying a $30 or $40 CD/DVD.
My Mom always taught me to share.

Some do's and don'ts to begin:

1) Do wrap your doll if you have not detached the head;

2) Do take lots of breaks between drying times. Painting on top of wet paint will make it clump.
Breaks will also give you a better perspective of your work.

3) Do not fret when you mess up or see something you don't like. Everything is fixable with either a toothpick and/or acetone.
In Part 4 I will show you how to make corrections.

4) Do have fun! 

So let's get started!

First you want to remove your old paint with a cotton swab dipped in acetone;

You will go through a few swabs but the paint will come off easily.
Use the pointy tipped swabs for tight corners.
After this step, clean the face with warm water and some gentle soap. Allow to dry.

Paint in the whites of the eyes. I mix Golden's Titan Buff with a toothpick end-full of Dove Grey. 

If you look at people's eyes in pictures or magazines you will see their eyes aren't really white-white. They are shaded around the edges to the center.
It will make the eyes look 3-D in a way.

Next I do what is called "outlining the features."
It entails outlining and shading:
1) lips (inner and outer)
2) around the eyes
3) nostrils

 I use 4 different paints; 
Burnt Sienna
Raw Sienna
Raw Umber
Burnt Umber
***note that I do not use black since it is a very strong color for my doll's complexion. Black is a better color for goth repaints or if you're going for a dark complected guy or gal.

You can mix or use the siennas and umbers any way you like.
I cannot teach you to mix paints, you will have to experiment.
I constantly do.

1) Always mix darker paint into lighter paint or you will have mud.
2) Always make sure your paints are thinned with water or you will have clumps. Mix them to the consistency of almost  water colors.
You will need to apply more than 1 coat.
3) Experiment with some acrylic medium flow improver and a drop of water.

Outline the eyes and paint in the eye crease above the eyes;
It allows you to shape/reshape them to your desire.
You can also use Prismacolor pencils, but they don't have the same kick  acrylic paint has.

So they look a little funky? Not to worry...let em' dry.You can then take a toothpick and reshape them or some acetone on a pointy tip swab to remove the overkill.

You can also add more titan buff/dove mix to make the eyes fuller OR add more sienna/umber mix to make them narrower.


I get excess paint off my brush by "dotting my thumb" until I feel there is  juuuuust  enough paint to get the job done;

Next take a toothpick dragged through some burnt sienna or burnt umber and drag it between the lips a few times.
I'm sadistic...er...actually it helps separate the lips.
                         THE ZOMBIES ARE COMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Next dab a toothpick in the same mix and paint inside the nostrils OR take a brown Prismacolor pencil and do the same.


Also add some light brown wash (very thin paint) to the space between the tip of the nose and top of the lip.

Last, I outline the eyebrows with a charcoal pencil. Go very lightly to make an outline shape of your choice.

                      How did those eyes get done so fast!?

Hope you enjoyed Part 2. 
Come back for Part 3: Facial/Body shading!