Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Breaking Bad Habits

The new "Barbie" doll 2013 collection is slowly leaking in as we near September.
The new collection, or from what I have seen digging around online, is mundane at the most.
There is really nothing that jumps out and says; "HEY, BUY ME!"

I won't linger on the few that are coming out, quite frankly because it's a bit boring and you can find the dolls on any other blog you frequent.

I will however tip a nod to the new Twilight Breaking Dawn dolls on the horizon.
I'm a moderate fan of the movies (and books) but stopped watching them after the pregnancy/wedding thing.
It just started getting too odd for me, plus there are already way too many vampire-esque movies and dolls out there.
Call me wrong. (You're wrong!!!)

There will be several "new" dolls in the series;

Right now, the only photo of the "new line" out is Jasper.

I used "new" in quotations above for a reason...this isn't new, it's an almost exact replica of the Edward Cullen doll from a few years ago but with a new hairstyle.

Here is Edward, then the "new" Jasper;

 Maybe this should be "Edward Gets A Lucy Perm" doll?

He looks  jointed, but looks can be deceiving, as I have found out the hard way, having bought other Mattel dolls only to find they have the "Five Dollar Foot Long" arms.

The dolls retail for about $30 each.
I will post pictures of the others as the photos become available.

I will say, a good repaint artist could turn this Jasper into a true Jasper.
Hopefully someone like Noel Cruz will do him justice as he has done in the past with his Twilight enhanced series, i.e. Tonner doll series.

Noel is by far my favorite repaint artist who usually sells his magnificent creations on Ebay. 
Here are a few select favorites;

Noel Cruz takes beautiful photos as well, which adds even more realism and depth to the dolls.

Next blog I will hope to dive into a bit of photography and touch on some repainting tips and tricks.

Until then, I leave you with "Creepy Doll" of the month;

                                                                     How I look after four cups of coffee(with amaretto)

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